Steal a password with a keylogger

Friday, February 17, 2012

Each account on the internet would require a username and password. Username and Password is one of the most secret in a transaction on the internet. Even so secret, the closest person not to know the usename and password. But why is there only one who conceded his account when he told no one about the username and password?

Lots of events that the username and password of a person's account hijacked. It means we no longer have access to our account.

Someone steals your username and password can be done in various ways. One way is to use a keylogger software. What is a keylogger?

Keyloger is recording software activities we do on the computer. Whatever you type on the computer, it will be recorded by the keyloger. From our press az, 0-9, a combination of keyboard like ctrl + A and others will be recorded by a keylogger. Keylogger will record it in the form of text files, *. Txt.

Keyloger workings are hidden (hidden). Usually she will appear in the systray if we do a combination of keyboard (specific shortcut). Once we hit the keyboard combination, then the keylogger icon will appear in the systray.

How someone could steal the username and password using a keylogger? Read and find out how someone stole usernames and passwords using a keylogger in a free ebook entitled to Password Stealing Keylogger

Ebook entitled to Password Stealing Keylogger is not used to steal passwords and usernames to others, or even to do evil .. but this material is used to help us avoid evil. That we should be vigilant

Download Ebook
Steal a Password with a Keylogger (315 kb)